Innovate with Tezos.
We maintain the infra.

Tezos Endpoint Services

We offer:

  • Scalable Tezos RPC Services with full archive node data,
  • Tezos Indexer Endpoint powered by TzKT from Baking Bad.

We take care of hosting, synchronizing and maintaining the node and indexing infrastructure. We give you space to innovate and focus on the high-level services on top of Tezos network.

We use:

  • multi-cloud with DigitalOcean and Scaleway as cloud providers
  • multi-region with Cloudflare DNS load-balancing

All our plans include complimentary testnet (Ghostnet) endpoints.

Read the docs - view Status.


Tezos RPC Endpoints (max 3)

Tezos Indexer Endpoints (max 3)

100,000 Compute Units Free

Then $7 per million Compute Units


Best Value


Unlimited Tezos RPC Endpoints

Unlimited Tezos Indexer Endpoints

10,000,000 Compute Units Free

Then $3 per million Compute Units

Filter by Origin



Unlimited Tezos RPC Endpoints

Unlimited Tezos Indexer Endpoints

100,000,000 Compute Units Free

Then $1.50 per million Compute Units

Filter by Origin

Premium Support


Frequently asked questions

How do I register for the service?

Create an account on the portal and create an RPC or Indexer Endpoint. You will be prompted for a payment method, then your Endpoint will be immediately provisioned.

Does the service work with a web frontend?

Yes, the service is accessible from around the globe and can be configured as back-end for a Tezos web application (DeFi, NFT etc).

What kind of nodes are you running?

We run nodes with the most recent version of Octez (Tezos OCaml node) in rolling mode as well as archive nodes.

We run the most recent version of TzKT API.

How are the endpoints secured?

You may secure your Tezos Endpoint by restricting it by Origin, so that it only works on your web app. This is only available with the Growth or Enterprise plans.

What is a Compute Unit?

Most RPC requests cost one compute unit. However, Archive Requests cost two compute units. Indexer requests cost 10 compute units each. For more information, read the pricing documentation.

How can I pay for the service?

You can pay the service with credit card, Google Pay or Apple Pay.

What are the payment terms?

We are billing monthly, starting one month after your registration date.

How can I check my consumption?

The portal updates your current usage several times a day.

Other services

We can help you become a Tezos baker.

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