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Delegate your Sui to today!

Our validator address is:


Sui is an ambitious blockchain featuring:

  • the Move smart contract language
  • Narwhal & Bullshark, innovative consensus and mempool engines
  • sub-second finality
  • Sui Objects allow in-protocol handling of fungible/non fungible tokens.

Low Commission, High Reliability

We offer 10% commission validation on the Sui network.

Our Staking APY is about 8%-9%.

Our node is hosted on high performance hardware and monitored 24/7.

We have been validating since the genesis of Sui.

Delegate your Sui

Sui is a delegated proof-of-stake network. By delegating, you contribute to the decentralization of the network while retaining full custody of your tokens.

Support independent validators, delegate to Sui Validator! Here is how:

Delegate with Sui Wallet Chrome Extension

The Sui Wallet Chrome Extension is the easiest way to stake Sui.

  1. Acquire Sui from an exchange such as Kraken
  2. Transfer to your Sui Wallet
  3. Press the “Stack and Earn Sui” button
  4. From the list of Validators, select the validator
  5. Press “Stake Now”
  6. Earn your rewards less than 1 day later
  7. Redeem your Sui at any time by sending a “Redeem operation”

Delegate with Ledger

Send your Sui to your Ledger Device from the Sui Wallet Chrome extension by following the guide below:

How to create your first Sui Account by Ledger Support.

Then delegate to

  1. From the Ledger Sui App, press “Settings” and enable blind signing
  2. Press the “Stack and Earn Sui” button
  3. From the list of Validators, select the validator
  4. Press “Stake Now”
  5. Confirm the operation hash on the Ledger device